Well, now that we have recovered sufficiently from the Party itself, all of us here at Asteropolis and Anomaly Plexus and StrangeLands would like to join together in wishing you and yours all the best of luck in the coming year. We are all going to need it, and must gather our fertilizer together, verily and forsooth.
Meanwhile, Rory and the gang apologize profusely for any trauma that may have occurred due to the events of December 19th. Everyone will be pleased to know that the offending entity has been returned to its own dimension where it will be dealt with according to the harsh laws of its alternate reality, and the real sculpture has been returned to its place in the Aster Gallery.
Fans will be pleased to note that the Silver Snarks suffered no damage during all these shennanigans. Unfortunately, all existing photos of the party and subsequent events have been either destroyed or altered by paratemporal transmogrification, for which we apologize also. Any Muggles in attendance were of course memory-wiped and left with vague impressions of a rather dull party.
And now, apropos of nothing in particular, a few random shots taken around Asteropolis:
The Inner Emissaries |
Here's a peep inside the head of the Eldritch Emissary. It's a whole new universe in there.
An historic moment with the Triffid Ambassadors |
Well, at least we got that pesky Triffid Treaty worked out! What a load off everyone's mind, eh?
Eerie Events in the Chapel |
A ghostly form dances between the Bell and the Candle. The Book of Nature lies unopened. What can it mean? What can't it?
A brand new Stained Glass Tesseract |
One of a pair of newcomers to the ground floor of the Gryomid. Such well-behaved visitors from other dimensions are perfectly welcome, said the Asteropolis Tourism Board in a statement on the 21st. Added Asteropolis Chief of Security Bingo Fundy, "The other sort need not apply."
That's it for now, Human people. Stay warm, be safe, and as always, watch out for chrono-synclastic infundibula. And Pod-People. For pity's sake, don't vote any more Pods into office. Check 'em with a thermometer to make sure they're mammalian first, okay?
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